What is the Social Impact of the Domestic Violence?

Domestic Violence is the worst thing that can happen to a person and it’s also something that can’t be forgotten by the victim. Domestic violence has a deep impact on the mind of the victim and this lasts for a prolonged period of time till they don’t stay with their abusive partner.

We all should be well educated to understand what is domestic violence and it is not something that a woman should tolerate. At first, we have to realise that if your daughter, sister, or friend is in a toxic relationship and complains uncomfortable to stay in it then immediately take action for it.

But how you can come to know that it’s an unhealthy relationship and you have to help the victim. In a relationship when one of the partners feels or does the following then you have to understand that there can be domestic violence, so you have to stay alert.

1.       One who earns money in the house?

2.       The partner who closes all the social media profiles of the other partner. She is made to get isolated from their family, friends, or online friends.

3.       The reputation of the partner is continuously hampered whenever any partner wants to end up the relationship.

4.       Always makes the other partner feels guilty or shameful in front of everyone or especially the guests.

5.       Making the partner feel scared by shouting loudly, punching on the walls, or threatening the pets.

It is mostly experienced that the people who molest their partner have a good social circle due to which the victim is unable to ask help or feels that they will never be heard or trusted and so they continue to be a victim till they can tolerate.


JCF is the best NGO for domestic violence in Delhi. If you know any women who is being harassed or tortured in their home or in their workplace then you can contact JCF as it’s the best trusted NGO for women‘s rights in Delhi. This is the ngo that also wants the women to become financially independent for that you can join, JCF NGO for women skill training course


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